A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nash Part 1
This is one of those books that you find out about after you've seen the movie. In most cases, people would say that the book is better than the movie. Others say that whatever came out first is better or which ever one was popularized first. Well, at this point, I'm liking them both. A Beautiful Mind is a biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr., the schizophrenic Nobel Prize winner in economics in 1994. It is a challenging book so far given the content, but I really like it. I had high hopes, too since I loved the movie so much. I know what I'm in for already. This book differs from the movie because it goes through a lot of facts and way more detailed explanation about every little thing. This is good most of the time, but sometimes it is an overload of information at least for my brain. Because of the fact that it's a non-fiction book with so many sources needed, it reads like a text book at some points with stories in between, but I'm only in the beginning so far so I'm not sure what to expect next. I find the story interesting though, and I hope to continue to read this and enjoy it.
I don't know why but I love reading about people who overcome their disabilities and succeed. Although I've never seen the movie, your post got me interested in reading the book (and, perhaps, eventually watching the movie). Hopefully it's not all facts, otherwise I would never be able to last through the entire book! The two books may not be similar, but your summary of this book reminds me of another book Ryan White: My Own Story, which I highly recommend if you have not read it already.
I like how you posted the book covers, and quotes from the books. Nice job!
Yeah, me too! It's so heartwarming. I'm not sure if it's all facts because I dropped it (not literally :)). What I read though was all facts and the print was so fine and the pages were so large. I still like the movie though. I'll check it out! Thank you!
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