Thursday, January 21, 2010

Escape to Manila Part II

Ephraim continues to impress and enlighten in Escape to Manila: From Nazi Tyranny to Japanese Terror. This engaging novel continues to state facts that are both interesting and informative. I've already learned so much about a topic that I thought I was well-informed about. In fact, in Global, we are currently learning about World War II and the Holocaust. I've heard stories about people escaping from the wrath of the Nazis by going to countries from all over Europe, but going to Asia and the Philippines specifically was a shock. I like how Ephraim makes this account so personal with the people he talks about and their connections with even others. Even though this book reads as a textbook at some points, it's been an enjoyable read.


Blogger Jennifer said...

I have always been interested in reading about WWII, but most of the books that I have read on that topic took place either in Germany or elsewhere in Europe, but never in the Philippines! The plot sounds extremely interesting, but I might get a little bored if it reads too much like a textbook. I would recommend the book The Bielski Brothers. I've never read it, but I've seen the movie Defiance. It deals with the Holocaust and other aspects of WWII.

January 28, 2010 at 6:03 PM  
Blogger Evan said...

It must be pretty interesting to learn different perspectives of the Holocaust and how the different people survived. This book sounds more intertwined with other people than the movie we watched, where it sorta focuses on the pianist guy. I could be wrong, it's just what I'm gathering from this entry. I might want to read a book like that just to see a different experience and to see how the main character views others.

January 28, 2010 at 8:07 PM  

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