Thursday, February 11, 2010

Superfreakonomics Part Dos

Superfreakonomics continues to be super, Levitt and Dubner writing continue to dazzle, and I continue to read. I'm not quite finished yet, but it's mostly because I haven't had the time. With mid-winter break coming, I'll be sure to read more and maybe finish off a couple of books!

I really like these types of books--the ones that make you really think and see the inner workings of the world and the people that occupy it. Although this book has a more money, incentive perspective, it does reveal a lot about human nature. One chapter that directly related to this was Chapter 3: Unbelievable Stories About Apathy and Altruism which delves into the issue of people in pop culture and in reality and how they really connect.

I know I shouldn't really be thinking about this now, but the next book I want to read is of the same genre entitled Talent is Overrated by Geoff Calvin which was actually mentioned in this book how talent really doesn't matter when you're after something you really want to accomplish something. A segment of this book was supposed to be in this book but due to the amount of books addressing the topic, it wasn't included.

Overall, I'm really enjoying this book and I highly recommend it. No, it's not a story with an actual plot, but it is really captivating and it's not too difficult of a concept once you're into it.


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